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Winter solstice, dumplings or dumplings? Here comes the ultimate answer

Years shuttle, four seasons reincarnate

In the twinkling of an eye, it comes to the last solar term in 2021 - the winter solstice.

"To", extreme also

The gas of winter storage is extremely here

It is the end of Tibet and the beginning of life

Therefore, it is also called "sub year old", which is second only to new year's Eve

Earthworm knot

The winter solstice is only two days old

Meet Fu Linchen of Bo family

Wait for earthworms to knot. It is said that earthworms are creatures that bend Yin and stretch Yang. At this time, although Yang Qi has grown, Yin Qi is still very strong, and earthworms in the soil still curl up.

Two phase elk angle solution

Time, personnel and day urge each other

Winter solstice brings sunshine and spring comes again

Second, the moose horn solution. Elk and deer belong to the same family, but their yin and yang are different. The ancients believed that the horn of elk is backward, so it is Yin. When the winter solstice is born with Yang, elk feels that the Yin Qi gradually recedes and dissolves its horn.

Three seasons of spring movement

The first movement of one Yang in the winter solstice

The tripod stove lights up the curtain

Wait for the spring to move. Because Yang Qi is born, the spring in the mountain can flow and warm at this time.

In ancient times, the winter solstice was regarded as a major festival

Also known as "Xiaonian"

But the goose

The same traditional Chinese festival about "what to eat in the winter solstice"

North and South have different answers

About this north-south dispute

But it was ended by the divine operation of a netizen

Dumplings and dumplings

The winter solstice is approaching the end of the year, and the temperature drops sharply, but the front-line work is not vague at all in the project site and production workshop of StarOne.

In order to ensure the delivery of the project on schedule and with high quality, the builders of StarOne have overcome the changeable climate and various maladjustments and stepped up the construction; The technicians responsible for preparing the construction plan and construction scheme continue to optimize the construction scheme in front of the computer. Everyone is sprinting for the production target at the end of the year. All staff are committed to their duties and stick to the front line!

The winter solstice is actually the solstice

Go back to your parents

Return to the family

Return to the original meaning of the winter solstice

You who struggle outside

Remember to go home early

Sichuan sidaneng Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
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