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Introduction to materials of StarOne metal membrane filter element

Today, star can introduce you to a metal membrane filter element material.

Titanium aluminum is an intermetallic compound. It has three forms: γ- TiAl、 α 2-ti3al and TiAl3. γ- TiAl has excellent mechanical properties and low density, only 4.0g/cm3. When the temperature exceeds 600 ℃, the anti-oxidation and anti-corrosion ability is still strong. γ- TiAl has been used to manufacture low-pressure turbine blades for Boeing 787 and Boeing 747-8 aircraft.


The intermetallic compound porous materials produced by our company have the following characteristics:

The Kirkendall effect caused by partial diffusion between elements was first used to prepare intermetallic porous / membrane materials in the world;

It solves the material problem in the field of high temperature gas filtration in the world;

Based on the atomic scale partial diffusion reaction synthesis technology, the pore structure can be accurately regulated at the micron / submicron level, so that the material has good filtration properties such as uniform pore size distribution, high filtration accuracy, high open porosity, small tortuosity factor and low filtration resistance;

The unique mixed bond crystal form of metal bond + covalent bond combines the advantages of metal and ceramic materials, and has excellent chemical stability, thermal stability, mechanical and physical properties, machinability, thermal conductivity and conductivity;

The material preparation process is environment-friendly, the whole life cycle of the material is environment-friendly, recyclable and cost-effective.

Metal membrane filter element material is used for dust collection, with high temperature resistance: 450 ℃ (non burning bag); Corrosion resistance: resistant to H2S, SO2, SO3 and other corrosion; High precision: filtering precision 0.1 μ m. The discharge concentration after filtration is 5-30mg / m3; Large flux: the flux per unit membrane area is more than 1.5 times that of cloth bag (depending on the working condition); Low resistance: the resistance is 300pa lower than that of cloth bag when treating the same gas volume; Smooth surface: it is easier to clean the dust by back blowing (the dust sticking of cloth bag is serious); Long service life: the service life is 2-3 times longer than that of high-grade cloth bag; Good environmental protection: the filter bag is a recyclable metal resource without secondary pollution of cloth bag.

Sichuan sidaneng Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
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+86 189-8175-1540
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