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Understand the fire control and safety, in addition to the hidden danger | think danone to carry out fire control knowledge lectures, fire field drill

  • Star can carry out fire control knowledge lectures, fire control practical exercise


In order to improve employees' awareness of fire safety, enhance their self-protection ability, master the skills of emergency response to sudden fire, and organize orderly evacuation of personnel and property when the disaster happened, the project department of Eastern New District organized a fire safety emergency drill in the open area of Shibeng Sewage Treatment Plant on the morning of July 21.



Zhang Fu, the project manager, was appointed as the commander of the fire drill. Wen Shulin, the minister of the Comprehensive Department, was responsible for the organization and command of the fire drill. Drill working group is divided into: evacuation group, fire fighting group, rescue group, communication group. Combined with the actual case from the fire extinguishing method, fire extinguishing facilities and equipment use, fire escape and self-rescue, fire alarm steps and other aspects of a comprehensive explanation.

At 10am on the same day, after receiving the fire alarm signal, the drill group members were quickly in place and ordered the personnel to evacuate from the safety exit to the open area in the shortest time through the command and gestures. Then the personnel count was carried out. Finally, crew members use dry powder extinguishers to extinguish the source of the fire. After confirming that the fire source is completely extinguished, the command personnel will announce the end of the drill and make a summary speech.




This fire knowledge lecture and practical operation drill let all the staff have a further understanding of fire safety, the response ability to fight against fire has been improved, at the same time exercise the staff's organizational ability and command ability. Sitanone will further strengthen the regular training of fire safety and emergency evacuation.


Sichuan sidaneng Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
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