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Don't forget to beginner's mind, self-motivated forward | think danone, new and old staff communication tea party


  • Stay true to your original aspiration and forge ahead

  • New and old staff exchange tea party


On March 30, Sitanone held a tea party for new and old employees. They gathered together to recall the past, look forward to the future and talk about friendship.


  • SDN Chairman He Zhi delivered a speech

Tracing back to the source, the company's 7-year development process, people are the most valuable wealth. First of all, I would like to thank all the senior employees for their hard work in their respective positions over the years and their dedication to work. It is because of your dedication that the scale and business performance of Starone has been continuously rising for seven years. Secondly, I would like to thank new employees for choosing to join the platform of Starone, which will provide training, mentoring and fair promotion opportunities. I hope that all of you can realize the value through hard work, prove your ability, establish a firm brotherly friendship in the work, cultivate excellent technical skills, cast the spirit of dedication, courage to fight, and brave to climb the peak, become the backbone of the company's development, and grow together with Citanone. Finally, I would like to thank the families of Starone employees. Without their support, Starone employees would not be able to devote themselves to their work. They are the heroes behind the scenes.

Looking ahead, in the competitive situation of thousands of sails, we should not only be good at summarizing successful experience, but also reflect on the lessons of failure. On the journey of struggle, if you do not advance, you will retreat, and if you advance slowly, you will retreat. We must always keep a clear head, clearly understand the changes in the market, innovation and reform to persevere. To consolidate the existing market, but also to open up new territory, to maximize the market.

The past 7 years have given us confidence and accumulation, and the new journey has started, and the challenges we are facing are more severe. SDN will always uphold the mission of promoting industrial technology upgrading with source innovation as the main driving force, and build the company into a highly responsible enterprise for the environment, society, users and employees, and achieve the success of relevant parties.

  • He always hands out MEDALS to the old staff

What can you do in five years? At Sitanone, we can make young people become ambitious and responsible. It can help hardworking employees find a sense of belonging; Let more talented and capable employees play their strengths! They have become the backbone of the development of Sitanone!

In recognition of the old staff's dedication and dedication, and thanks to them for laying a solid foundation for the development of Starone, Dong He awarded commemorative MEDALS to the five year old staff.



On the day of the event, there were still many colleagues working hard at the project site and could not participate in the award ceremony. On behalf of the board of directors and the management team of SDN, Dong He extended his high respect and heartfelt thanks to all the colleagues who stick to the front line of the project and work hard, as well as the families of the employees who have been silently contributing for a long time behind the scenes

  • Create value, share value



Share the cake

Creating and sharing value has always been the core value of SDN. "Making the cake" is the premise and foundation, and "sharing the cake" is the goal and vision. I hope that in the future development of SDN, all my colleagues can work together to create value and make this cake bigger and more delicious




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