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Precision filter

The precision filter adopts intermetallic compound filter element as the core filtration element, which is suitable for harsh filtration conditions (high pH, corrosiveness, high temperature), high filtration accuracy requirements, fast filtration speed, small equipment volume and other places.

The tubular filter element is used as the filter medium, and the performance of the filter element running stably for a long time is improved by cross-flow filtration. The material flows through the two ends of the open filter element, the filter liquid will flow out of the filtration system through the porous filter element, and the solid particles will remain in the circulating liquid.

The terminal filtration process can provide filtration from the outside to the inside for solid streams of various concentrations, which is simple to use and easy to maintain, ensuring a durable and reliable filtration capacity.


Advantages of cross flow filtration technology

1 The filter element has high strength, long service life, reasonable installation structure design and convenient disassembly;

2 Each unit adopts modular design, with compact structure and convenient maintenance. Through reasonable grouping, the filter element can be replaced without shutdown;

3 Using the scouring effect of cross flow, the thickness of filter cake is controlled by flow velocity, taking into account the requirements of filtration accuracy and flux;

4 Combined with the scouring effect of cross flow, the backwashing effect is good, the average flux is larger, and the production efficiency is high and long;

5 The slurry is in a high-speed flow state and will not precipitate. It is suitable for handling high concentration and high viscosity materials;

6 The filter units can be connected in parallel or connected by product according to production needs, and can be arranged horizontally or vertically, with more flexible dimensions and better terrain adaptability;

Advantages of terminal filtration technology

1 The filter element has high strength, simple equipment structure and relatively low equipment cost;

2 The filter element spacing is small, the structure is compact, and the unit volume can accommodate more filter elements;

3 Mixing devices with different structures can be installed in the filter to realize the separation of solid particles with different settling velocities.

4 It can realize sedimentation and filtration at the same time, improve the material separation speed and increase the production capacity;

5 The backwashing pipeline is simple, using compressed air as power, and easy to control;

6 High filtration precision, capable of separating sub micron solid particles;

Sichuan sidaneng Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
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+86 189-8175-1540
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