
Location:Home > Flue gas treatment > Resource utilization of nitrogen containing by-products in metallurgical industry
Resource utilization of nitrogen containing by-products in metallurgical industry
technological process


Technical advantages

1 Nitrogen oxide has high recovery efficiency and can be directly converted into nitric acid, which has great value of resource recycling;

2 Effectively control the emission of nitrogen oxides and have obvious advantages in environmental protection;

3 Small floor area and less auxiliary equipment;

4 Easy automatic control and maintenance, reduce labor costs;

5 Short construction period, rapid commissioning and start-up;

6 It can effectively improve the production process efficiency and reduce the production cost.

application area

1 Flue gas treatment of nickel cobalt Hydrometallurgy

2 Flue gas treatment of lean ore Hydrometallurgy

3 Chemical waste gas treatment process

Sichuan sidaneng Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
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+86 189-8175-1540
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