
Flue gas material recovery
technological process


Technical advantages

1 High precision: filtering precision 0.1 μ m. High material recovery rate;

2 Large flux: large flux per unit membrane area, saving the floor area of the plant;

3 Low resistance: low fan power and obvious energy-saving advantages;

4 Smooth surface: no dust sticking on the surface, easy to blow back;

5 Long service life: wear resistance, no bag, and the service life is 4-5 times longer than that of cloth bag.

application area

1 Cobalt trioxide drying dust collection

2 Dust collection of ternary precursor drying (disc dryer, rotary kiln)

3 Ternary cathode material crushing, sintering and dust collection

4 Dust collection of ternary cathode material packaging

5 Lithium iron phosphate calcination dust collection

6 Battery material recycling (calcination, drying) dust collection

Sichuan sidaneng Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
Service Tel:
+86 189-8175-1540
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